Charges and remissions policy
At Long Toft Primary there are occasions when we would charge for some of the activities that children take part in, the activities that we charge for are outlined below:
- There is a nominal charge for certain after-school clubs, however this is not applied to all clubs. Costs for clubs will be outlined when children sign up for them so that parents are fully informed of the expectations.
- There is a nominal charge for Residential trips, this money is used to cover part of the cost towards board and lodgings.
- We ask for a voluntary contribution for school trips.
- We charge a nominal amount for breakfast club, this is a voluntary club that children and parents can attend from 8am.
- We charge for 50% of Music lessons requested by parents.
Long Toft Primary School's charging policy
Long Toft's financial benchmarking service
No members of staff receive a gross salary exceeding £100,000.